We pray you are coping well and remaining healthy during this pandemic. The advice and guidance we receive from the CDC changes often.

We are currently offering 3 ways to participate in our our Sunday services:

Our in-person Sunday service is 10:30-11:30am in our sanctuary at 896 Arkansas 92, Plumerville AR 72127.
We stream the morning service live on Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/MPBCHillcreek). You will be able to interact with others who are online during the service.
We will be recording the service and it will be posted on our website and YouTube Channel for those who can’t attend the service or watch it live on Facebook.

We are ensuring social distancing is being practiced, and we have hand sanitizing stations available. Mask-wearing is required for entering/exiting the building as well. Our gym is set up as a “safe” area where the service is broadcast live. Masks are required for everyone in that area during the service.